The range of automatic PILOMAT bollards includes a wide selection of items with different mechanical and dimensional characteristics, in order to meet all market demands, from the operation of the single parking space to anti-terrorism protection. Automatic PILOMAT bollards using the criterion of hydraulic or pneumatic handling. Many optional items are available to configure every single installation.
The range of semiautomatic PILOMAT bollards includes a wide selection of items with different mechanical and dimensional characteristics. They have the same architectural aspects as the automatic PILOMAT and they allow the combined use of both versions.
The range of fixed PILOMAT bollards includes a wide selection of items with different mechanical and dimensional characteristics. They have the same architectural aspects as the automatic PILOMAT and they allow the combined use of both versions.
Temporary PILOMAT bollards are designed to use typically during the night in order to protect access or windows. Their use is recommended in cases of low frequency of travel, or when the depth of excavation is limited and is therefore not possible to install retractable PILOMAT .
Removable PILOMAT bollards are designed to use typically during the night in order to protect access or windows. Their use is recommended in cases of low frequency of travel, or when the depth of excavation is limited and is therefore not possible to install retractable PILOMAT .
The motorized platforms, in general called roa d blo ckers, use electrohydraulic movement and are available in two different mechanical toughness and different lenghts, in order to meet all market requirements, from company driveways to the highest level of anti-terroris m protection.
PILOMAT TYRE KILLER is composed by heavy duty spikes that rise from the ground; it operates like an access control barrier, it prevents the passage of unauthorized vehicles or it allows the exit from a supervised area. It can be installed with other access control elements in order to achieve an access control check-point at the highest level of security.
Motorized barrieres with vertical movement, called PILOMAT BARRIER, are available, depending on installation requirements, in different lengths (from 2.5 meters to 7 meters, with modules of 50 cm); they have a considerable mechanical strength to meet the highest anti-terrorism security .