The fixed bollards of the Security Line are available in five different variants depending on the needs of consumers and the impact resistance. They have been designed and built with architectural appearance similar to that automatic bollards and therefore also allows the combined use of the both versions. Security Line fixed bollards are used in public or private areas for following purpose:
The PL fixed series bollards are equipped with counterframe to wall and brackets, in addition to the architectural appearance of the automatic bollards, allow the removal of the bollard in the event of such a removal being, or if impact has occurred.
Breakout resistance: up to 250,000 Joules
The PF fixed series bollards have a brackets to be anchored in ground, can be cemented to the ground or be secured in place by chemical anchors in places where you cannot make the same anchor, or where masonry is already completed.
Breakout resistance: up to 250,000 Joules
The FB series fixed bollards with reinforced basement to wall, in addition to the architectural appearance of the automatic bollards, must be cemented into the ground at a depth that meets the standards of breakout resistance.
Breakout resistance: 400,000 Joules
With the fixed design bollards, sidewalks, pedestrian areas or public spaces can be easily separated from the rest of road traffic in an elegant and cheap way.
Breakout resistance: 200,000 Joules